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An old ambulance for a new purpose

Derek Lerch, right, dean of instruction for Feather River College, presents the keys to a used Plumas Hospital District ambulance to Matt Brown, center, and Sam Blesse, far left, of Care Flight on Feb. 19 at the college. Photo by Debra Moore

This circa 1996 ambulance is a gift that continues to give. When Plumas District Hospital upgraded its fleet, it donated the ambulance to Feather River College for use in its medical classes.

Now the college is donating the ambulance to REMSA/Care Flight, the organization that provides ground and air ambulance services to the Plumas Hospital District.

Representatives from Care Flight took possession of the ambulance at the college Feb. 19 and will supply it with training equipment, as well as cameras to prepare it for its new role as a training lab.

“It will be a mobile learning lab,” said Matt Brown, operations manager for Care Flight, “with live-time training while the ambulance is moving.”

For example, paramedics in training would learn such skills as how to start an IV while transporting a patient. The “patients” are other students.

Derek Lerch, dean of instruction for Feather River College, said that the ambulance was initially part of its licensed vocational nursing and emergency medical technician classes, but hasn’t been used in a couple of years.

Once it’s completely overhauled and ready for use (no estimated date of completion yet) the college will be able to use it as well.

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