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Board whips through a short meeting

A quick Board of Supervisors meeting July 10 touched on just a few departmental matters and discussion. The board finished its open session in less than an hour.

After approving the consent agenda, the board discussed and approved some items from the facility services director, Kevin Correira. The first two items were the approval of two contracts and the last was a request to allocate the position of Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Worker to a third-tier position to offer room for promotion. The board tabled the vote on that position until further information was prepared and human resources was consulted.

The board received a report from Joe Blackwell with the public works department about the road closure sign on the contentious McNella Lane in Sierra Valley.

In November 2017, the two neighbors bordering McNella Lane, the Robertis and the Silvas, argued different sides concerning the closure of the dirt road. The Robertis argued the road was just a place for troublemakers to shoot cattle or people to get lost. The Silvas said they had an easement on that road and it was the only way for them to access their property from that side of the ranch.

The board decided not to abandon the road, but heard complaints from the Silvas in July about a new road closure sign on the lane.

Blackwell reported that the sign was for the safety of drivers because the road is still under water and dangerously muddy in some areas. The county will remove the sign once they determine it is dry enough to be passable again.

Outside of the board meeting room, the board is conducting interviews for the new County Administrator position. They are also looking to fill the Director of Social Services position. Soon the county will have a full slate of permanent department directors for the first time in over a year.

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