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Community apple pressing takes place Saturday

Megan Mansfield turns the handle on this old-fashioned apple press during a past J.O.L.T. This year, the apple pressing event takes place Saturday, Oct. 19, across the street from Quincy Natural Foods Co-op in Quincy. Photo submitted

The sixth annual Apple J.O.L.T. (apple pressing) will  take place Saturday, Oct. 19, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., across the street from Quincy Natural Foods Co-op in Quincy. Bring lots of apples so you can take home delicious juice. J.O.L.T. stands for “Juice’em Or Lose Them.”

There are usually extra apples and containers in case you don’t have time to pick your own. Sponsors are Quincy Natural Foods, Plumas Sierra Food Council and local Quincy folks.

For more information contact Karen at [email protected].

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