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Family Caregiver support services now offered in Graeagle, Quincy and Greenville

The most valuable support family caregivers can receive is from a peer — someone who has been through what they are experiencing and can truly understand what it’s like to care for a loved one.

That very personal support is available throughout Plumas County. And it’s free.

PASSAGES’ Caregiver Resource Center offers family caregiver support services throughout Plumas County. Among the services are caregiver support groups and in-home respite assistance.

Caregiver Support Groups meet monthly in Graeagle, Greenville and Quincy. The groups are an opportunity for people who care for family members or friends to share their experiences.

Caregivers share and learn strategies and skills to solve problems and to maintain their own personal, physical and emotional health. All this and more is part of the no-cost support PASSAGES offers, explained Sharon Taschenberg, Caregiver advocate. “No one can do this alone — and in Plumas County, no one has to,” Taschenberg said.

Caregiver Support Services can help one to understand their loved one’s condition, plan for the future, learn where to go for help and find ways to get a break.

One can also find answers to managing difficult behaviors, help with problems one experiences as a caregiver, information on respite programs and short-term counseling. Limited assistance for assistive devices and minor home repairs to help with caregiving responsibilities is also available dependent on funding.

Regularly scheduled meetings of the Quincy Caregiver Support Group are held the fourth Tuesday of each month, from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at the Feather Publishing conference room located at 287 Lawrence St.

The Greenville Caregiver Support Group meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at the Greenville Wellness Center located at 414 Main St.

The Graeagle Caregiver Support Group meets the first Wednesday of each month, from 2 to 3:30 p.m., at the Mohawk Community Resource Center located at 8989 Highway 89 in Blairsden.

Meetings can be subject to change. To confirm a meeting date, time and location or for more information, call Sharon Taschenberg, PASSAGES’ Caregiver advocate in Quincy at 616-8570 or email [email protected].

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