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Friends of Plumas County Animals issues Open House invitation to the community

Animal Tales, Friends of Plumas County Animals
Rose Buzzetta, Executive Director of Friends

Our rescue building has been open for two months now and we have been very busy accepting and caring for cats and lots of kittens. Our volunteers seem to have “found their groove’ and the everyday maintenance and feeding of the animals seems to becoming easier for everyone. We now have some lovely kittens ready for adoption– some are already spayed or neutered and we are altering more every week. Please check our our Adopt-A-Pet page, our Facebook page, our Instagram account and our website, plumasanimals.org, to see the funny, lovely animals available for adoption.

To celebrate the grand achievement of buying this building and developing a rescue, Friends is hosting an Open House on Saturday, September 17 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. We’ll have a Silent Auction, food and drinks and music by the Fish Tacos from 2-4 p.m. so please plan on coming and touring the rescue, meeting our feline charges and enjoying an afternoon with us.

Our Board and every volunteer know we could not have made this happen by ourselves and we want to thank everyone who has supported this endeavor and donated funds or equipment or labor to make the site a functional reality.

Special thanks to:

Dave Heppler, our benefactor

Cory McElroy, for all his (ongoing) expertise and patience

Mike Wilcox, Wilcox Construction

Mike Toley, drywall expertise

Dan Hacket & Cliff Sutton, Hacket Concrete

Tom and Kim Kunsman, Kunsman Fencing

Waste Management and FerrellGas for their kind consideration in billing

Michelle and Tim Lowe, Pet County Feed and Tack, supporters of Friends from day #1!

Sierra Pacific Industries for donated lumber

Lindsey B. Kelley, LBK Engineering & Design

Ryan Nielsen website design—plumasanimals.org-check it out!!

Sierra Cascade Street Rodders

Feather River Coop

Bread for the Journey

Common Good Foundation

The County Building, Planning and Assessor staff

…and now that I’ve listed some major players I have to state my apology- because I am sure I neglected to honor everyone. This has been a community project from the start and please know if you have donated to us with food, cash, supplies and/or labor that we appreciate the gifts. It would be impossible to include every person who has made it possible for us to save lives in rescue-they are many and mighty in their unified goal to help animals.

Please mark your calendar and join the Board and the volunteers of Friends at our Open House. We would love to see you there.

Saturday, September 17

1-4 p.m., Silent Auction, food & drinks

Music by Fish Tacos 2-4 p.m.

1093 Lee Rd., Quincy

Friends of PC Animals is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation and all donations are tax deductible. All monies donated go directly to the care and comfort of the rescue animals, no money goes towards salaries or administrative fees. Friends is not a county entity. Donations can be sent to Friends, PO Box 182 or brought to the site at 1093 Lee Rd, Quincy 95971. Thank you!

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