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Greetings CES Families!

Principal’s Homework 2019-2020 for students and parents/guardians

Please set 20 minutes/night for any four days of the week, as a special family reading time. The research on reading practice has numerous benefits for children (example: improved fluency, increased vocabulary, higher level thinking, less screen time, improved social skills, etc.), and I hope this will be a special time in the evening for your family.

I’d love to receive pictures of your family reading and sharing their books at home! Please email me your photos if you would like at [email protected] (Heads up — I may throw them in an upcoming newsletter.)

School Store CES Fundraiser

This year CES has signed up for a fairly easy fundraiser. We can earn money if friends and family go through www.schoolstore.net (use ID# 574) for their online shopping. Stores like WalMart, Kohls, Target, Best Buy and other major retailers will give back 1 to 10 percent of the total purchase back to CES.

You may have already received your packet. Please review and follow the instructions to register online (no cost). Your child will win a little backpack friend prize if they bring the envelope back and give to their teacher. You can also purchase “Caring for Classrooms” gift cards for your child’s classroom. We will be using these funds to support our music program and other enrichment activities. Thanks for participating!

New team members

We are incredibly fortunate to be able to add to our already talented team. New para-educators Ms. Sarah Ragan, Ms. Jenny Ragan and Ms. Stephanie Hughes have joined our team to support student learning, and Ms. Allison House, a CES & CJHS alumni is working as a fourth-grade co-teacher with Ms. Crowther this year.

They are all very passionate about helping young people and are already making a difference!

Part time swing shift work

Know anyone looking for part time swing shift work (3-8 p.m. weekdays)? We have a 5-hour custodial position available. If interested, please visit the following website, and we appreciate any help in getting the word out. Thanks!



We appreciate our families striving to make sure their child is at school each day. Students who have a tendency to miss more days of school (ex: under 95 percent = more than 9 days/year), have a tendency to fall behind their peers and could struggle academically in weeks, months and years to come.

Requesting and completing makeup work is definitely appreciated, but it won’t take the place of being in class learning from our talented and dedicated certificated teachers, along with their peers. We encourage everyone to be in school each day and miss no more than 9 days this school year. (This does not include students who go on a trip for 5+ days and complete an independent study contract.) Thank you.

CES Data Confirmation & Authorization Forms

Each year, families are required to log in to their Aeries portal to review and confirm data and authorization forms. Please complete this process at your earliest convenience. You can access this confirmation process through our returning students portal from our Plumas website (www.pcoe.k12.ca.us).

Click on “enrollment” on the right side of the main screen, then follow the instructions for returning students. We’re offering a special prize incentive to the class who has everyone complete their data confirmation first. So far, Ms. Twitchell’s, Ms. O’Kelley’s, Ms. Whalen’s, Ms. Geer’s, Ms. Tantardino’s classes are almost finished, so act now. Thanks!

CJHS Cheer Camp

October 7th through the 11th from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the high school is CJHS Cheer Camp. A fee of just $45 is requested with practice for the week. Cheering at the game and at half time on Friday, and a shirt if signed up by Friday, Sept. 27. Also $5 if they want a bow.

Any questions please text Katie Vaca at 251-7097 or email her at: [email protected].

In closing, we look forward to an outstanding 2019-2020 school season. With a strong teaching and support staff, motivated students and engaged parents our students will enjoy an exceptional elementary experience. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to give us a call or drop us an email.

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