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Plumas County welcomes new planning director

Tracey Ferguson, a native Californian, is the new Plumas County planning director. Although her nearly 20 years of experience is in the private sector she said she’s excited about becoming part of the public sector in Plumas County. Photo by Victoria Metcalf

Tracey Ferguson was introduced to members of the Plumas County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, July 16, at the regular meeting.

It was Ferguson’s first day on the job as Plumas County’s newest planning director. She is replacing Randy Wilson, who retired earlier this month.

While Ferguson met members of the board of supervisors Tuesday, she was shaking hands and introducing herself to three members of the Plumas County Planning Commission on Thursday morning. Commissioner Moorea Hoffman Stout was absent and Robert Abbott is on medical leave.

A Sacramento native, her bachelor’s in geography is from California State University, Sacramento. There she graduated magna cum laude in 2000. She received her master’s from Chico in rural and small town planning the following year.

This is Ferguson’s first opportunity to work in the public sector, she told commissioners at the July 18 meeting.

She left D.R. Horton to accept the Plumas County position. She was a planner in the Bay Area for the company known as “America’s Largest Homebuilder.” That company started in 1978 and has projects throughout California and Texas, according to its web site.

“I just started on Tuesday, so this is day three for me,” she told members of the planning commission.

Ferguson said that she worked as a consultant for the first 15 years of her career. The last five years she’s worked for a residential homebuilder.

And with her background Ferguson shared that she has experience in risk management and housing, policy planning, experience submitting permits and working with county planning departments. She has also been a contract planner and worked with a dozen or more general plans. “I’m very fortunate to be in Plumas County right now.”

She is certificated with the American Institute of Certified Planners. Through the American Planning Association she is certified in the area of urban planning and can assist planners in ethics, professional development, planning education and more.

She told commissioners that she is familiar with Plumas County. Her grandparents lived at Lake Almanor at one time.

Commissioner Jeff Greening asked Ferguson where her building experience came from. She responded that it was primarily in the Bay Area.

“Welcome to the frontier,” said Commissioner Larry Williams.

Ferguson’s salary is $100,000 plus benefits as the planning director.

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