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Boy Scout Troop 36 Patrol Leader Aidan Marrow, left, and Louie Buentiempo share a chuckle as they describe a moment during their fishing adventure on their campout to the “Fox Hole” to the Chester Rotary Club. After the presentation there were plenty of questions from the audience. Photo by Gregg Scott

Scouts communicate with Rotary

“Communications” is one of the required merit badges that Scouts must have to achieve the Eagle Scout rank.

One of the requirements of the merit badge is to write or plan a five-minute speech or presentation and give it to a group.

Two of the Scouts from Chester Troop 36 fulfilled that item Sept. 12 when they presented a PowerPoint-style presentation at the Chester Rotary Club dinner that evening about their last three-day campout.

The significance of the talk was twofold because it was not only the completion of a merit badge, it was also an opportunity to provide an update about the use and helpfulness of the new cargo trailer Rotary purchased for the troop last year.

Troop Patrol Leader Aidan Marrow opened the meeting in “Boy Scout-style” with the Pledge of Allegiance, Scout Oath and Scout Law followed by the Rotary 4-Way Test.

After a delicious lasagna dinner, the Scouts presented a slide show with descriptions of their activities including the rebuilding of a safety railing at the drop into Hatchet Creek near the camp fire pit and talked about the time and energy saved by having all their equipment readily available in the new trailer.

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