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Volunteers honored at the Resource Center

Volunteer Chairman George Powers in formal dress plus apron, is ready to serve tea at the Resource Center in Blairsden. Photos submitted

The annual tea honoring volunteers was held at the Mohawk Community Resource Center (MCRC) on May 20. Chairman George Powers, dressed in a suit and tie complete with apron, greeted everyone and expressed appreciation for the efforts of the 30 or so assembled volunteers. It was an afternoon of tea and friendship.

Each table had a flower at each setting. Four different kinds of tea were poured into very elegant tea cups. Finger sandwiches and cookies were in abundance.

The MCRC is an important asset to the community and Coordinator Jane Polson thanked each of the volunteers; the Resource Center could not function without them.

Each year outstanding volunteers are named. This year Marna Markham and Debra Sabin were chosen, and each received a china teacup holding a plant, along with certificates and their names engraved on a plaque, which is prominently displayed on a wall of the MCRC.

Outgoing Chairperson Judy Porep-Lullo was introduced by George Powers and honored with a standing ovation and a dish garden. Judy has served the MCRC for 13 years and remains on the advisory board.

The MCRC was built in 2004, in Blairsden, at the intersection of Highway 89 and 70, near the Corner Barn. It serves the community by providing senior lunches, exercise classes, line dancing, a lending library, a speaker’s bureau, computer access to all comers, meeting space for civic groups and a referral service for those seeking assistance offered by Plumas Rural Services and Plumas County Senior Services. New volunteers are always needed to support this important community asset.

MCRC is a service of Plumas Rural Services, and serves to enrich the lives of the residents and visitors of the surrounding communities in a friendly atmosphere. A variety of activities take place at the center daily.

For more information about MCRC, call 836-0446, or visit www.PlumasRuralServices.org/mcrc .

MCRC Coordinator Jane Polson, right, with outstanding volunteer Debra Sabin at the MCRC Volunteer Tea, May 20.

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