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Where We Stand: Regarding a proposed National Monument

The Staff and Board of Friends of Plumas Wilderness would like to thank the public for participating in our community meetings and outreach events regarding a possible national monument within the Upper Feather River Watershed. We would also like to thank all of the members of the local Tribal and Indigenous communities and the Sierra and Plumas County Supervisors for their attendance and participation. Finally, we thank Plumas News for their coverage of these events.

Our mission at Friends of Plumas Wilderness is to study, explore and maintain the integrity of the natural ecosystems in the geographic region of the Northern Sierra and Southern Cascades.  One of our concerns is the lack of permanent protections from extractive industries that might further damage our strained watershed. A national monument and accompanying management plan could provide a locally driven strategy to protect our waters and manage our forests.

At each of our outreach events, we heard a diversity of views around public land protections, and nothing was more evident throughout this process than the passion we all share for this beautiful and vital watershed we also share. We heard that any change in land management moving forward would need to protect the values that our community holds in the Plumas National Forest, including ensuring land access for hunting and other activities, avoiding any disruptions to ongoing restoration activities following the Dixie and North Complex fires, and maximizing local control over land management

We have listened intently to the community’s feedback, including support, concerns, as well as questions and uncertainties of possible national monument designation. The Staff and Board have had many lively and fruitful discussions regarding this public input. Given the feedback we have received so far, a national monument designation might be an appropriate future endeavor, but not a current priority.

We are focusing on developing strong Tribal relationships and collaborating with our partners on locally-based projects that further our mission and protect the health of the Upper Feather River Watershed.

To learn more about our projects, for opportunities to volunteer and participate, or to donate to and become a member of Friends of Plumas Wilderness, visit our website: www.plumaswilderness.org.


Staff and Board of Directors

Friends of Plumas Wilderness  • Local|WiLD

6 thoughts on “Where We Stand: Regarding a proposed National Monument

  • Thanks for listening

  • Thank you for that decision, but at no time would it be appropriate to “take” more land and give it wilderness designation. I would encourage FPW adopt an alternative plan to do stream restorations within the Dixie Fire footprint, thus achieving the same impacts and doing a greater public service.

    • Susan you are 100% correct on the restorations all of the creeks that have been burned are moving massive amounts of sediment and gravel.

  • I agree with Susan regarding stream restoration. A national monument designation will not bring additional funding but will add extra layers of bureaucracy. No designation!

  • Manage the forest ? We have already seen the effects of the Government and the Environmental Establishment manage to destroy the forests. Don’t be fooled by the name they use to sway you into believing what they are saying.

  • It would be an understatement to say that the community and our citizens are not in support of the plan by a very large margin. Having attended the Quincy meeting and attempted to attend the Portola meeting (before it was canceled with very little notice or press), I can personally say that the plan is very vague and secretive as a whole when it comes to execution. The idea of closing down 400,000 or more of our public lands is pure insanity. We currently have forest management teams in place that would be out of jobs within a year due to the implementation of the nonprofit and its contract workers (out-of-area employees) alone. This also does not include the negative impacts this will have on tourism and recreation in the county.

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